Introducing The DaVinci™ Report: SustainChain™ Baseline Insights

At the US Coalition on Sustainability, we believe in the power of advanced digital technology to quickly guide leaders toward the products, partnerships, and solutions required to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

At the core of the SustainChain platform is a data engine that continually learns from its users and their efforts - and we named it DaVinci™ after the famous inventor’s intelligence and vision.

Today, we are excited to share with you The DaVinci™ Report, our first-ever documented snapshot of the SustainChain community.

The report contains an overview on:

  • SustainChain members by user type and industry representation,

  • The sustainability challenges, focus areas, and priorities selected by users, and

  • The types of solutions our users are either providing or seeking to address.

While these observations do not reflect overall global private sector SDG efforts today, they inform the refinement and technical development of the SustainChain platform, and its ability over time to guide strategies for accelerating systems-based progress in sustainability and the SDGs.


Featured SustainChain Member: Knowledge Impact Network


SustainChain™ Recognized in Fast Company’s 2022 World Changing Ideas List